It was so great to sleep in on Saturday! We slowly got up, sat in the “living room” (you can see the pictures below) and read, then finally got ready and headed out for a trip to the northernmost tip of the island (Cape Hedo). It was about an hour and fifteen minute drive up, and the view was so worth it! I am simply amazed by the ocean here. It is more beautiful than I could ever picture and I still can’t believe that I live here!

Sunday- Originally we planned to make a stop at Nago Paradise Park on the way to the Zoo and Pineapple park (yes we’re going again…we ran out of cookies J ), but I gently brought up the thought that this was going to cost us $6 to see plants and we changed those plans! So we headed down the wonderful route 58 to the zoo. This zoo reminded me of a cross between the San Diego Wild Animal Park and any other zoo. The first thing we walked in to was the flamingo pond where the flamingos were literally walking around next to us. There were some other fascinating things there, like the community farm that had a little pen with pigs and dogs together. Who does that?? We also walked by a lemur that scared the living daylights out of us when it decided to scream and leap onto the cage…yikes!
Alright, image walking into a zoo and immediately see this right in front of you!
From the zoo we went to the Pineapple Park but we made a quick stop at Fruit Land…haha, yup there was fruit plants, and more fruit plants, a few butterflies and birds, and more fruit plants…we won’t be going there again haha…So on to the Pineapple Park. We really like the Pineapple Park, especially the cookie samples. Last time we were there Alison and I were both eyeing the perfume that smelled wonderful, but the ladies would only let us smell the sticks and not try it on, so we passes. This time we were hoping the lady would be nicer and let us try….she didn’t, but since there are two different scent bottles that together make one pineapple (you can buy them both or separately) and Alison and I like different bottles we bought it. The ladies there were so excited they gave Alison a little squeeze! Lol My guess is they made their quota for the day. Someone come visit us please so we have another excuse to go back! :)