Monday, October 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun

I've been thinking about Thanksgiving and how much we focus on being thankful at this time of year and tend to overlook it throughout the rest of the year. My goal for the remainder of this year and throughout 2013 is to never stop being thankful, especially for the little things. What a great example we'd set for our kiddos, if we always remembered to express our thankfulness. Enough of my thoughts, here are a few things we've got going on this week.

This first picture is my pride and joy :) This summer I revamped my yucky file cabinet (spray painted it blue and painted this one side with chalkboard paint). I am in love! Here are my students practicing their color words with word cards and colored chalk.

We're really working those color words. Here, my student is putting together some color word puzzles then writing the words. Click on the top picture to go to my TpT store to view this activity.

These kiddos are doing a Thanksgiving memory match. This game is a part of my Thanksgiving freebie on TpT. Click the pic to check it out!

Lovin the fall and I hope you are too!

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