We started our touring the day after she arrived, Thursday, by taking a drive up to the tip, Cape Hedo. We had a rainy start but the day ended up very nice! First, we stopped at Ryukyu Mura. It was set up with a very traditional Okinawa feel. I got to pet a bull, yup about as exciting as the picture looks! haha
There was a little room with the giant rope used for the Tug of War...I don't know much else about it cuz most of the signs were only in Japanese.
Here is my mom and I.
Here is Alison waiting oh so patiently for the people to congregate and figure this out.
Well, after this group decided they couldn't exactly help us they apparently made a phone call to the man in this car. He came and had us follow him. Yeah, seriously, follow some random guy down the road. Okay, we did it! Turns out there was another car following us, apparently going to the same place but we didn't really know cuz we couldn't communicate with any of them.
This is the road that random guy took us down. hmmm, interesting...and somewhat sketchy.
Saturday night we took my mom to the Flashing Light Place, it's our own special name since we can't read the signs and there are literally tons of fluorescent flashing lights on the building outside after dark.
It was really exciting to have my mom with me for Easter Sunday! Church was great and we were invited over to Rocky and Gina's afterwards where we spent the afternoon/evening eating great food and playing the Wii! Always a joy! :)
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, my mom came with me to school. My new aide also started this week, and while I'm sure there will be more on her later, I must say that she is great and this will be a better end to the year! Anyways, my mom got to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. The kids, especially the girls, just loved her and she was definitely a huge help during rest time! It's funny she said to me, "Ya know, when you would talk to me on Skype about how much the kids don't listen, I would think to myself, well how bad could it be? Then I came, and I know exactly what you're talking about!" haha Yup she saw it all! :)
I took Thursday off of work to spend my mom's final day just relaxing and being together. We did some shopping and headed out to the Botanical Gardens. I had never been there but will definitely have to make another trip there with my Japanmate before we leave. It was amazingly beautiful! I was in awe of all my surroundings, just gorgeous!
I had a blast with my mom here and am so thankful that she too will have a picture in her head of the wonderful things and people on this island! I truly am blessed! Thanks for coming mom!!!! :)