As a kindergarten teacher, I absolutely love finding cutesy things to make my room more fun. Back in October I found a picture on pinterest of an adorable scarecrow door decoration and just had to replicate it...and so began the door decorating goodness obsession!

Once Fall passed, the thought of taking down my scarecrow and having to look at a bare door was just saddening, so after talking with some colleagues I decided I'd transform the scarecrow door into a snowman door for the winter...let me just say that the kids absolutely love having a character in the room with them!

This brings me to the here and now...With February here, and getting into new themes in class, I decided it was time for another change. For the month of February, we have ourselves our very own Abraham Lincoln. I definitely prefer a more fantasy looking door, but this one gets the job done! I am personally a fan of the math manipulative pennies as the eyes. It's a great reminder for the kids of whose face is on the penny!

Oh the fun to be had in Kindergarten!